If you are Looking to buy best 2bhk & 3bhk flats/apartments in Ludhiana, then please visit our website.

Ludhiana Heights is Spanning approx 10 acres of land; every apartment is built to perfection with attention to every last detail. Equipped with modern facilities, they are designed to make your life comfortable and hassle-free.

One of the biggest dilemmas people face while choosing a home is how to select an area that is secure, safe, and is perfect for children? If you are also suffering from the same trouble, then Ludhiana heights has the answer for you!

Choose what suits you from Ludhiana Heights inventory of 2 and 3 BHK apartments. All 1128 Apartments & 14 Floor have been thoughtfully crafted to give you the utmost comfort and contentment.


Carpet Area: 630.16 sq. ft.

Super Area: 1054.87 sq. ft. 


Carpet Area: 750.91 sq. ft.

Super Area: 1254.01 sq. ft. 

Ludhiana Heights is Best Value for money apartment inLudhiana, Ludhiana Heights can be the perfect for you and your family. Guaranteeing world-class amenities, this residential apartment has a one-of-a-kind best Club House for entertainment purposes.

Key Features of Ludhiana Heights

  1. Provision for Gas pipeline
  2. Earthquake Resistant Structures
  3. Adequate provision fir light, air & ventilation
  4. 80% Green area with elegant landscaping
  5. 24x7 Power Backup
  6. Clubhouse with modern amenities
  7. Convenient shopping

Sport & Recreation

  1. Jogging and cycling track
  2. Kids play area
  3. Dedicated area for senior citizens
  4. Gym With modern equipment
  5. Swimming pool
  6. Cricket Pitch with net
  7. Basketball cum skating rink
  8. Badminton court


  1. Arrangement for Garbage Disposal
  2. Rainwater harvesting
  3. Covered & Open car parking
  4. High-speed elevator
  5. UPVC Windows
  6. 3-Tier Security
  7. Nursery School

Ludhiana Heights – Value for money apartments in the heart for Ludhiana Having all the amenities, this club guarantees pleasure to the best residents without going out of the society. The clubhouse is also equipped with royal and classy halls where various functions, festivals, and events are held primarily for the residents of Sunview Enclave. All of the above reasons and highlights made the Ludhiana best residential area in Ludhiana.

For More information, so please call: 70094-70095